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In today’s rapidly evolving work landscape, the concept of hybrid teams has become more than just a buzzword—it’s a fundamental shift that’s redefining how we work, collaborate, and achieve business objectives. As companies worldwide adapt to this new operational model, blending in-office and remote work, they face a unique set of challenges. 

One of the most critical yet often overlooked is the importance of human connection. While technology has enabled us to stay connected in unprecedented ways, it has also created a void, often leaving team members feeling isolated and disconnected from their colleagues and organisational culture. 

This guide aims to bridge that gap by delving deep into the essence of human connection in the context of hybrid teams. We’ll explore why fostering a culture of connection is not just beneficial but essential for the success of hybrid teams. We’ll also provide actionable insights and strategies to help you build a more connected, engaged, and productive workforce in this new era of work.


While the advantages of a hybrid work model are undeniable, mismanagement can result in a host of issues, ranging from decreased productivity and high employee turnover to poor customer experiences. For example: 

Deloitte’s research indicates that companies with disengaged employees can experience up to a 4% decline in profitability. 

The repercussions of a disconnected workforce can be devastating, impacting not only individual well-being but also the company’s financial health.

Here are some of the ways a disconnected hybrid team can impact your business:

1. The Productivity Drain

One of the most immediate impacts of a disconnected workforce is a decline in productivity. According to a study by Gallup, disengaged employees are 37% more likely to take unscheduled absences, leading to disruptions in workflow and project timelines. Moreover, when employees feel disconnected, they are less likely to contribute their best ideas or go the extra mile, resulting in a lacklustre performance that can significantly affect project outcomes and, ultimately, company revenue.

2. The Retention Crisis

Low levels of engagement and connection often lead to higher turnover rates. A Gallup report found that 51% of disengaged employed workers are watching for or actively seeking a new job.. The cost of replacing an employee can be substantial, ranging from 50% to 200% of the employee’s annual salary when you factor in recruitment costs, training, and the time it takes for the new hire to reach full productivity.

3. The Customer Experience Conundrum

A disconnected workforce doesn’t just affect internal metrics; it also has a direct impact on customer experience. Employees who feel disengaged are less likely to provide excellent customer service, which can result in poor customer reviews and decreased customer loyalty. According to a study by PwC, 32% of customers would stop doing business with a brand they loved after just one bad experience, highlighting the critical role that engaged and connected employees play in customer retention.

4. Financial Implications

The financial ramifications of a disconnected workforce are significant. According to a study by Deloitte, companies with high levels of disconnection among employees can see between £370 and £450 billion loss. In today’s competitive business landscape, where margins are thin, a drop of this size can be the difference between growth and stagnation.

5. Beyond the Bottom Line

The impact of a disconnected workforce extends beyond quantifiable metrics. It can also lead to a toxic work culture characterised by low morale, lack of trust, and increased workplace conflicts. This negative environment can further exacerbate disconnection and disengagement, creating a vicious cycle that is hard to break. Moreover, a toxic culture can tarnish a company’s reputation, making it difficult to attract top talent or secure new business.

6. The Strategic Cost

Finally, there’s a strategic cost to disconnection. Teams that are not aligned or connected are less likely to collaborate effectively on strategic initiatives, leading to missed opportunities and a lack of innovation. In an age where agility and adaptability are key competitive advantages, the inability to execute on strategic initiatives due to a disconnected workforce can be a significant hindrance.


The good news is that these challenges are surmountable. With thoughtful management and the right strategies in place, organisations can not only overcome these hurdles but also thrive in this new work landscape. 

To guide you through this, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide featuring five actionable steps to help reconnect and re-energise your teams.

1. Conduct Regular Team Health Checks

Regular team health checks, often in the form of surveys or one-on-one interviews, provide valuable insights into the emotional and professional well-being of your team members. They serve as a diagnostic tool to identify areas where the team feels disconnected or disengaged.

How to Implement:

  • Choose the Right Tools: Use anonymous survey platforms like SurveyMonkey to encourage honest feedback.
  • Design the Questions: Include both scale-based and open-ended questions to get a well-rounded view. For example, “On a scale of 1-10, how connected do you feel to your team?”
  • Analyse and Act: After collecting the data, identify common themes or areas of concern and develop an action plan to address them. Share a summary with the team and discuss the next steps.

2. Foster Informal Communication Channels

Informal communication channels, like virtual coffee breaks or team lunches, help recreate the “watercooler moments” that are often missing in remote or hybrid settings. These interactions build rapport and strengthen interpersonal relationships.

How to Implement:

  • Schedule Virtual Breaks: Plan regular virtual coffee breaks or team lunches where work talk is off the table.
  • Use Chat Platforms: Utilise chat platforms like Slack to create channels dedicated to non-work-related discussions, such as #weekendplans or #hobbies.
  • Encourage Sharing: During team meetings, allocate a few minutes for team members to check in and share personal updates or interesting news.

3. Implement Peer Recognition Programs

Peer recognition programs empower team members to acknowledge and celebrate each other’s achievements, fostering a culture of appreciation and mutual respect. This boosts morale and increases engagement, as employees feel valued for their contributions.

How to Implement:

  • Use Recognition Software: Platforms like Bonusly allow team members to give each other points or badges for good work, which can be redeemed for rewards.
  • Spotlight in Meetings: Dedicate a portion of team meetings to shoutouts, where team members can publicly acknowledge each other’s accomplishments.
  • Monthly Awards: Consider monthly or quarterly awards for standout team members based on peer nominations.

4. Nurture and Develop Leaders

Cultivating leadership skills is essential for fostering a sense of connection and engagement in a hybrid work environment. Effective leaders are the linchpins that hold both in-office and remote teams together, ensuring everyone feels included and valued.

How to Implement:

  • Empathy Training: Offer workshops that focus on building empathy, enabling leaders to better understand the unique challenges faced by both in-office and remote team members.
  • Active Listening Seminars: Conduct seminars on active listening to improve communication and problem-solving skills across the team.
  • Open Communication Channels: Implement tools and practices that encourage open communication.

5. Regularly Revisit and Update Team Goals

Clear and updated team goals keep everyone aligned and focused, providing a sense of purpose and direction. This is especially crucial in a hybrid work environment where team members may not have the benefit of daily face-to-face interactions to keep them aligned.

How to Implement:

  • Quarterly Reviews: Conduct quarterly goal-setting and review meetings to assess progress and realign objectives.
  • Collaborative Tools: Use project management software like Asana or Trello to keep track of team goals and individual responsibilities.
  • Celebrate Milestones: When a goal is achieved, celebrate it. Acknowledging achievements boosts morale and reinforces the importance of team goals.


In today’s hybrid work environment, maintaining a sense of connection and engagement among team members is more challenging than ever. That’s where READ TO LEAD® comes in. Our program is not just another training module; it’s a transformative experience designed to fast-track your team’s success. 

By focusing on action-based, people-driven principles, READ TO LEAD® equips your management team with the essential human leadership skills that are increasingly becoming the cornerstone of effective leadership. Imagine a workspace where everyone—from executives to entry-level employees—is aligned, engaged, and deeply connected. A workspace where human connection is not just a buzzword but a lived reality that drives productivity, employee well-being, and bottom-line results. 

Don’t let the challenges of hybrid work hold you back. Take the first step toward building a more cohesive, engaged, and high-performing team today.


The future of work is undeniably hybrid, but for businesses to thrive in this new normal, human connection must be at the forefront. As HR professionals and business leaders, the onus is on us to cultivate a culture where technology serves as a bridge to human interaction, not a barrier. By taking proactive steps to foster connection, companies can unlock unprecedented levels of engagement, productivity, and, ultimately, business success.


How do you lead a hybrid team effectively?

Effective leadership in a hybrid team involves clear communication, fostering a sense of community, and utilising programs like “READ TO LEAD®” to build essential human leadership skills.

How can leaders thrive in a hybrid work environment?

Leaders can excel in a hybrid setting by adapting to new communication tools, being empathetic to team needs, and leveraging “READ TO LEAD®” for continuous skill development and team cohesion.